by Tom Stoppard
Marin Theatre Co.
"Great Performances of the Year"
Brad Rosenstsein - Bay Guardian
. . .
"Best Performances of '98"
Judy Richter - Backstage West
“The main event is Dines’ extraordinary work as Annie. She penetrates to the bravura soul of this lusty, clear-sighted Actress with both fire and nuance. In this go-round, she’s the real thing.”
- Brad Rosenstein, San Francisco Bay Guardian
“Dines is a wondrously bright, alert, sexy and determined Annie...”
- Robert Hurwitt, San Francisco. Examiner
CAST: Dan Hiatt, Cynthia Bassham, Simon Vance, Derek Cecil, Lizzie Robinson Stephen Bailey DIRECTOR: Lee Sankowich
B Street Theatre
by Sam Shepard
"Memorable Performances of 2006"
Marcus Crowder - Sacramento Bee
“Dines finely holds the play together as the wary but confused Emma.”
- Marcus Crowder, Sacramento Bee
“First rate cast...Dines, who is the heart and soul of the play, adds real pathos.”
- Patti Roberts, News & Review
CAST: David Pierini, Kurt Johnson, David Stickler; Director: Buck Busfield; Photos: Bill Mahon
by Michael Weller
Pacific Alliance Stage Co.
Best Performances of '96
Steven Winn - San Francisco Chronicle
“Dines, in a fine performance that exudes the stifled potency of Petra in exile, is the sparkling country makes her feline sensuality a window into something sad and self-knowing about Petra."
- Steven Winn, San Francisco Chronicle
“Dines' inscrutable Petra is absolutely absorbing. With a throaty voice and droll timing, Dines creates a character who seems almost worth all the child's play that she draws from the two grown men scrambling after her.”
- Gretchen Giles, Sonoma County Independent
“...But it is bored, impulsive seductress Petra (the remarkable, husky-voiced Dines) who prods the emotions of the two men and sets the plot to simmering.”
- Gene Price , San Francisco Bay Times
CAST: Don Bilotti (L), Keith Burkland (R) I DIRECTOR: John Higgins